The University is taking part in Learning at Work Week from 13 to 17 May.
This unique annual event seeks to build learning cultures at work. It provides everyone with a chance to connect with colleagues, to hear and share ideas, gain a different perspective on the way of working and learn something new.
This year, Learning at Work Week coincides with Mental Health Awareness Week, the schedule includes sessions supporting this initiative.
Highlights during the week
The events and workshops are rarely longer than an hour and range from how to have challenging conversations through to creating a crochet blanket! Many are online only, but there are also some in-person events.
Building your career confidence
Hear from best-selling author and podcaster Sarah Ellis from Amazing If about increasing our career confidence to make the most of opportunities and be curious and ambitious about where our careers can take us. Register for the event.
The power of Failure
Looking at how to turn failure into a positive rather than a negative. Discover the genuine benefits of failure. The session will provide guidance and techniques to show how to identify failure early and understand it. Register for the event.
Respect for people - Improving your personal wellbeing
In a world where there is never enough time and we are juggling multiple priorities, this session will explore ways in which to identify areas in our lives that we need to improve and utilise the Lotus Blossom tool to generate ideas for making that improvement happen. Register for the event.
Managing challenging conversations
Many of us struggle with having potentially difficult conversations whether because of the fear of ‘getting it wrong’ or not knowing how to approach a situation objectively and with care. This sometimes results in issues not being addressed, which in turn can be detrimental to the individual, the team and, ultimately, the organisation. This practical 90-minute session aims to provide the structure, tools and tips to improve their skills to manage challenging conversations. Register for the event.
Staff can view the full schedule of events by signing in to the Staff Hub Sharepoint site with their University email address.