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For staff

St Catherine's College - venue for the launch event

Green Impact is the University of Cambridge's environmental accreditation scheme. It supports and encourages departments and colleges across the University in improving their environmental performance.

With support from the University's Environment and Energy Section, departments can form a small team, who sign up to an online workbook and progress through simple, clear and easy criteria towards recognised awards and targets.

The scheme is great for those people who want to make a difference but are not sure how, but also provides recognition and support for those who are already beavering away for environmental and wellbeing causes in their corners of the University. The Environment & Energy team are there to provide support throughout the year, starting with this informative launch event! Attend to find out all about Green Impact, what happened last year, what's new this year, as well as everything you need to know about how to take part.

A light lunch and refreshments are provided.

Wednesday, 25 October, 2017 - 12:00 to 13:30
St Catherine's College McGrath Centre

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