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For staff


Joint UCU-UUK proposal still needs approval from UCU members, the USS trustee, and the Pensions Regulator.

On Friday 23 March a joint proposal was agreed by representatives of the University and College Union (UCU) and Universities UK (UUK), who have been in meetings with the mediation service Acas to try and resolve the current dispute around the 2017 valuation of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS).

The proposal would see an expert panel established to review the assumptions, process, and outcomes of the 2017 valuation. This panel would also agree key principles to underpin the joint approach of UUK and UCU to the valuation of the scheme.

In order to provide a workable way forward the proposal needs the backing of UCU members, who are meeting on Wednesday 28 March, as well as the consent of the USS trustee and the Pensions Regulator. If approved by all parties, it may provide a basis for UCU members to call off their current, and planned, industrial action.

Read more about the proposal on the UCU and UUK websites.

Information about the USS valuation dispute as it relates to the University of Cambridge is gathered on the USS Latest webpage, which is updated regularly.


27 March 2018
