The University has agreed to implement the national pay settlement recommended by the UCEA.
I am writing to let you know that the University has agreed to implement the national pay settlement recommended by the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), the national negotiating body for university employers. This provides for a 2% increase to the salaries of non-clinical staff on all spine points, except points 11 to 27 where increases will be slightly higher.
This is described as a draft settlement as four out of five trade unions remain in dispute with UCEA over the offer. I fully recognise the concerns of union members about pay. As I have said before, I am concerned about the low remuneration of UK academics and professional staff. I have also heard from many staff during my first year in office that remuneration is critical if the University is to recruit and retain the very best people.
That is why the University recommended to UCEA that it should offer a higher uplift in basic pay than 2%, and remains committed to this if the national offer changes. A higher pay settlement would need to be paid for through savings elsewhere in the institution or through increased income. But we are convinced that a better pay offer is of sufficient benefit to our staff, and so to us as a University, that it would be worth the effort.
In the meantime, staff should be aware that the pay award will be made from September’s payroll, backdated to 1 August 2018.
We are working hard in the University on initiatives to improve the total reward package we offer our staff, as well as to tackle pay inequalities. We are also working on a number of initiatives to help staff with the high cost of living in Cambridge, including our provision of more affordable housing, nursery places and subsidised bus travel, and our close collaboration with the local authorities on transport matters through the Greater Cambridge Partnership. We will continue to find ways to make working at Cambridge both rewarding professionally and attractive from a financial and practical perspective.
Professor Stephen J. Toope