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For staff

Children at the Chris Abell Nursery opening

Ofsted has awarded the Chris Abell Nursery an ‘Outstanding’ rating in all areas following a recent inspection.

The report says: “Children flourish in the nursery. They eagerly explore their environment and relish discovering new things from the wealth of experiences and resources”. It goes on to praise the “ambitious and inspiring curriculum that builds on children’s interests and helps to ensure that they all make the very best progress”.

The nursery has been operating since January 2022, providing a new, purpose-built nursery setting for staff and students of the University and Homerton College. It is the fourth University nursery, helping to provide quality early years childcare to support parents and carers who are both working and studying here.

Spaces are available for certain booking patterns and age groups across all of the University workplace nurseries. For information about the nurseries and how to apply, visit the Childcare Office website or contact



05 April 2024


Children at the Chris Abell Nursery