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For staff


Members of staff will notice a change in the pay they receive from September.

The Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) has proposed a pay settlement which provides for a 1.8% increase to the stipends and salaries of non-clinical staff on all spine points, except spine points 11 to 28 where the increases will be as follows:

Points 11 to 15 3.65% increase
Point 16 3.56% increase
Point 17 3.55% increase
Point 18 3.53% increase
Point 19 3.45% increase
Point 20 3.33% increase
Point 21 2.86% increase
Point 22 2.38% increase
Point 23 2.14% increase
Point 24 2.03% increase
Point 25 1.97% increase
Point 26 1.92% increase
Point 27 1.87% increase
Point 28 1.82% increase
Points 29 and above 1.80% increase

While the University recognises that the trades unions remain in dispute over the offer, it feels it is important to implement this settlement as soon as possible to ensure staff receive the increase without further delay. The pay increases will therefore be paid to staff in the September 2019 payroll backdated to 1 August 2019.


Details on the University’s Salary Spine points may be found here.



09 September 2019


Senate House