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For staff


University staff travel all over the world, and it’s vital they can travel with confidence, knowing they will be looked after, should anything go wrong.

When news broke of a recent outbreak of Ebola in East Africa, the University had 15 members of staff from nine different departments spread across three countries in the region. The Ebola virus is highly infectious, and there is no known cure. Outbreaks can spread rapidly and unpredictably, so as well presenting a danger to the local population, there was a real risk to our staff. 

The story wasn’t widely reported, but it was picked up by the University’s preferred supplier of travel services, Key Travel, who alerted the University. Andrea Eccles, an Assistant Director in our Safety Office, explained what happened next: 

“It was very reassuring knowing exactly which members of the University we had out in the regions affected by the outbreak. More importantly, Key Travel were able to contact them quickly and offer help and assistance, including arranging travel back to the UK if needed.  

“Booking through Key Travel allowed us to see exactly who we had travelling out there instantly and contact them immediately to ensure they were safe and well. We were able to provide reassurance that we were looking after their health and wellbeing, and that we could make changes to their travel arrangements to keep them safe.” 

The Procurement Services team make sure the University’s preferred suppliers deliver value through their goods and services. Key Travel’s alert and repatriation service is one of the many benefits Procurement Services considered when making them the University’s preferred supplier, so staff can travel in confidence.  

So, if you’re planning a trip, make sure you book through Key Travel


21 December 2022